About us

The ETOP IBCSG Partners Foundation has two Independent Data Monitoring Committees (IDMCs), one for the breast cancer trials (IBCSG IDMC) and one for the lung cancer trials (ETOP IDMC).

Both IDMCs are standing committees of independent experts, including oncologists, statisticians, patient representative and ethics experts. Their role is to systematically review the accumulating data from all ongoing trials sponsored by the ETOP IBCSG Partners Foundation, including accrual, adverse events and efficacy. The primary mandate of the IDMC is to safeguard the interests and safety of the patients in the trial and to ensure the scientific integrity of the trial.


Daniel F. Hayes, USA (CHAIR) Lucio Crinò, Italy (CHAIR)
Teresa Ferreiro, Spain (Patient Representative) Jean-Pierre Armand, France
Judy E. Garber, USA Renato Galleazzi, Switzerland
William J. Gradishar, USA Paul Van Houtte, Belgium
Andrea L. Pusic, USA (PREPEC trial specifically) Beow Yong Yeap, USA
Chris Robertson, UK  
  Ranny Dafni, Greece (guest)
Rich Gelber, USA (guest)  
Meredith Regan, USA (guest) Heidi Roschitzki-Voser, Switzerland (coordinator)
Colleen Bouzan, USA (coordinator)