Translational Research Projects


Lungscape is a translational research program designed, implemented and conducted by ETOP IBCSG Partners Foundation in collaboration with a series of leading hospitals and clinics across Europe and beyond. The program aims to address the challenges of studying the molecular epidemiology of lung cancer by coordinating and harmonizing the procedures of a group of lung cancer specialists working in translational research across Europe and allowing analysis of larger series of cases. This initiative has the potential to expedite knowledge of the prevalence and context of current and emerging molecular biomarkers with clinical significance and facilitate more rapid translation of biomarker knowledge to the clinic. The international collaborative effort provides a platform for molecular correlative studies and thus creates a basis for the development of clinical trials of novel therapeutics. Lungscape also aims to build comprehensive and practical diagnostic algorithms for personalized medicine in the clinic.


The fundamental approach of Lungscape was to build a decentralized biobank of samples from lung cancer patients with a completely documented diagnosis and treatment and at least three years of documented follow-up, including the availability of tumour blocks. The virtual nature of the iBiobank and the introduction of stringent standardized biomolecular assessments remove the need of transferring samples to a central location for evaluation. A central electronic database (ETOPdata) is used to store anonymised comprehensive molecular and clinical data and tracking biological material and derivatives thereof.




Master Protocol and Subprojects 

The Lungscape Master protocol defines the setting in which specific hypotheses will be investigated. It describes the mode of cooperation of the participating investigators, the selection of documentation of the NSCLC cohort, laboratory requirements as well as the regulatory framework. Specific protocol modules then formulate a hypothesis to be investigated in the framework of Lungscape.


Participating sites:                                  
16, originally 17
Cases: 2709
Study Activation: May 2011
Overall study Chairs: Rolf A. Stahel (Study Co-Chair)
Rafael Rosell (Study Co-Chair)
Medical Review: Solange Peters



ETOP IBCSG Partners Foundation
Rosita Kammler (Head Translational Research Coordination)
Tel: +41 31 511 94 28
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Lungscape 001 ALK

A retrospective cohort study of ALK gene rearrangement: prevalence and clinical outcomes in patients with non-small cell lung cancer in Europe.

Study Chair: Fiona Blackwell
Lead Pathologist: Keith Kerr


Lungscape 002 MET

A retrospective cohort study of MET protein expression and MET gene amplification: prevalence and clinical outcomes in patients with non-small cell lung cancer.

Chair: Lukas Bubendorf


Lungscape 002 PTEN

A retrospective cohort study of PTEN protein expression: prevalence and clinical outcomes in patients with non-small cell lung cancer.

Chair: Alex Soltermann


Lungscape 003 Multiplex Mutation Testing

A retrospective cohort study of multiple biomarkers by multiplex mutation testing: prevalence and clinical outcomes in patients with non-small cell lung cancer.

Chairs: Keith Kerr, Solange Peters
Co-chairs: Stephen Finn (Multiplex testing), Miguel A. Molina (DNA quality assurance)


Lungscape 004 RANK(L)

A retrospective cohort study of RANK and RANKL prevalence and clinical outcomes in patients with non-small cell lung cancer.

Chair: Erik Thunnissen


Lungscape 005 PD-L1

A retrospective cohort study of PD-L1 expression in patients with non-small cell lung cancer.

PD-L1 expression was visualized by IHC at three central labs and scored at local sites who have passed an external quality assurance program.

Sample size
: 2008 evaluable

Chair: Keith Kerr
Co-chair: Erik Thunnissen


Lungscape 006 TMB

Validating the prognostic value of tumour mutational burden (TMB) in NSCLC tumours from the ETOP Lungscape cohort.

Design: A cohort study of retrospectively identified non-small cell lung cancer from cases included in the Lungscape cohort (resected stage I-III) with full clinical (demographic and outcome) and pathological data. FoundationOne®CDx genomic profiling was performed on 80 banked adenocarcinoma tumours of stage I or II, from the Swiss Lungscape centres.

Chair: Lukas Bubendorf
Martin Zoche


Lungscape 007 ROS1

A Retrospective Cohort Study of ROS1 prevalence and clinical outcomes in patients with non-small cell lung cancer.

Design: A cohort study of retrospectively identified adenocarcinomas from the Lungscape cohort (resected stage I-III) with tumor tissue available for research, as well as clinical (demographic and outcome) and pathological data constitute the study population. ROS1 gene rearrangement was planned to be detected by a number of molecular assays including immunohistochemistry (IHC), Fluorescence in Situ Hybridization (FISH), and RNA-based Next Generation Sequencing (NGS). More specifically, for IHC, two different antibodies were used: D4D6 from Cell Signalling and SP384 from Ventana.

Sample size
: 866

: Ernst-Jan M. Speel, (Chair)
Co-chairs: Teodora Radonic (External Quality Assessment), Erik Thunnissen (External Quality Assessment), Stephen Finn (NGS)


Lungscape 008 NTRK

A retrospective cohort study of NTRK expression in patients with non-small cell lung cancer.

Chair: Teodora Radonic